This is the guiding philosophy for St. Bernard School as we grow and envision our future.
Cultivating Wisdom and Virtue and inspiring students to pursue truth, goodness, and beauty are at the heart of this approach. Implementation of this vision is incarnated in a more fully integrated curriculum (religion, history, and language arts are interwoven and Catholic Identity permeates everything), learning through great literature,
and teaching students to read well, write well, and speak well.
Thank you for visiting our website and taking the time to learn more about our school! St. Bernard School is committed to providing an authentic Catholic Education where students are taught the truths and beauty of our Catholic faith in the context of strong academic programming. Call the School Office to learn more about our upcoming events and to learn more about joining our Community!
With humble hearts we thank the members of St. Bernard Parish, whose support of Catholic education has allowed this ministry to bless countless students and families, including us. THANK YOU!