We have one classroom per grade (K-8), ranging in size from 17 to 28 students, with an average of 21. Kindergarten is full-day. Our total enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year is over 190 students.
Classes begin at 8:10 AM and end at 3 PM. Students may arrive as early as 7:55 AM.
Extended Hours
Students can come to the library for before-school care as early as 7:30 AM for a daily $1 fee. Our after-school program is also available from 3 - 6 PM (M-Th) and 3-5:30 (Fridays) where students are provided a snack and given recreation time. Contact the school office for additional information.
Northwest Local School District buses to St. Bernard. For families who live in other school districts, contact your public school district's transportation department for information regarding in lieu of payments for transportation when bussing is not available.